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Dating Coach Lisa Daily is America's Leading Dating Expert. Relationships, Love and Dating Tips & Advice
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Fifteen Minutes of Shame
Beauty Get Married Guarnantee Is He Cheating
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Stop Getting Dumped Stop Getting Dumped Stop Getting Dumped Kindle Edition How to Date Like a Grown-Up Southern Fried Farce
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BeautyWhat's it like to be the most beautiful girl in the world?

Molly desperately wants to be beautiful. And that's what she tells Dharma, the mysterious portrait artist who sketches her face at the town fair just minutes after she's humiliated in front of Hudson, the guy of her dreams. When Molly wakes up the following morning, she's the most beautiful girl in Miracle, Ohio. Babies coo in her arms, her house fills with flowers from dozens of drooling boys, and she's chosen to be a model for the hottest store in town. Best of all, Hudson finally falls for her.

But Molly soon discovers that beauty--and her wish--comes with a price. She's faced with an impossible choice: Will reclaiming her true identity mean letting go of Hudson for good?


The Get-Married Guarantee
Meet your Smart, Charming, Handsome, Worships-the-Ground-you-Walk-on Future Husband in One Year or Your Money Back.

The Get Married GuaranteeThe only guarantees in life were death and taxes.
Until now

Never before has a book offered such an outrageous guarantee ? meet your future fiancé in just one year or your money back.

How would you like to be engaged one year from today? For years, How do I find a husband? has been the most common question asked of dating guru Lisa Daily, bestselling author of Stop Getting Dumped.  If you're like many of the women who attend Lisa's seminars and book signings, you're probably frustrated with the men you've been dating, sometimes for years, without a commitment, let alone a proposal. You're probably sick of going on one online date after another, worried that you're never going to find true love or meet Mr. Right. Sometimes you worry that the only way you'll find someone to marry is to lower your standards. Lisa knows what you're going through, because she's helped thousands of other women find the love they want and deserve. Not only that, Lisa used the Get-Married Guarantee methods to snag her own dream guy, who proposed to her in Paris, on top of the Eiffel Tower just six months after they first met.  Lisa is so sure the that her Get-Married Guarantee methods will work for you, she'll give you your money back if they don't.

What do you have to lose?

If you've been wondering "where can I find a husband?" or just looking to date a better quality of men, The Get-Married Guarantee is exactly what you need. Lisa not only tells you where to find a great man who loves and adores you, but also:

  • The thing you're doing right now that's keeping you single
  • How to avoid spending three, four, seven years with a guy who's never going to commit
  • Why lowering your standards is the worst thing you can do
  • Why the white picket fence is not a myth. (It happened for Lisa and it can happen for you!)
  • How to tell when a man is ripe to consider marriage
  • Where your future husband spends his free time
  • The 3-second trick to find out of he's got the qualities you're looking for
  • Tweaks to your wardrobe that take you from "great girl" to "wife material" faster than you can say "Let's go shopping"
  • The top engagement killers and how to avoid them

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Is He Cheating?

Is He CheatingEvery woman on the planet has felt it at least once. The nagging, sickly feeling in your gut that something isn't quite right, that what he?s saying feels a little off. And even though you might have no reason in the world to suspect something is going wrong, you do.

You might feel confused because he says one thing and does something else. You might feel like you're going crazy. You might start to actually believe all the things he's been telling you -- that you're neurotic, or sexless, or depressing, or too fat, or that you ask too many questions. Or the worst, that you're just crazy and insecure and jealous -- and that all of this is about what's wrong with you, not anything that he might be doing.

And you might be afraid to learn the truth. What if he is cheating? After all, if your worst fears are correct and you at last learn what you really don't want to know... what then? What happens to your life, your home, your family if you find out he cheated? You might feel ashamed, too ashamed to tell your girlfriends or your family or your minister. What does this say about you? How could he do this to you? Why would he do this? What does she have that you don't? Why aren?t you enough for him?

The worry and fear you feel is keeping you up at night, making you doubt what?s real and what?s not, making you feel scared and humiliated and alone. The fact that you?re reading this means your relationship is in trouble. And no matter what you learn when you discover the truth, you can?t continue on the path you?re on. If it hasn?t already, eventually the stress of this situation will spread like a cancer into every other area of your life ? your job, your self-esteem, your other relationships, your children.

I want you to know that this is NOT your fault and you're not alone in this. I'm here with you every step of the way. And the first step is figuring out whether your worst suspicions are true, or if this really is all in your head.

The truth will set you free.

Inside Is He Cheating, you'll find out:

  • The types of men most likely to cheat
  • Signs of Cheating
  • How to find out right now, for sure.
  • Why he cheats: The real reasons why he may be cheating on you
  • Where he goes when he cheats
  • What you need to do right this minute if you think he cheated
  • The biggest mistake you can make when confronting your partner that can keep you from ever learning the real truth
  • How to deal with the humiliation you're feeling

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Fifteen Minutes of Shame
America?s favorite dating expert just found out her husband is cheating.
Live. On national TV.

Fifteen Minutes of ShameWhat happens when America?s favorite TV dating expert finds out on national television that her husband is cheating? Darby Vaughn?s fifteen minutes of fame quickly spins into fifteen minutes of shame:  Not only is the most humiliating moment of her life splashed across every supermarket tabloid and celebrity gossip show, but her reputation as America?s love guru is shot. To make matters worse, her fans are turning on her, her book sales have tanked and her love life is fodder for late night television. If Darby breaks her own zero-tolerance policy for cheaters and takes her philandering husband back, her career will be over. But if she sticks to her own rules, she?ll lose the only man she?s ever loved.

Read the first two chapters of Fifteen Minutes of Shame FREE.


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How to Date Like a Grown-Up

How to Date Like a Grown-UpEverything you need to know to get out there, get lucky or even get married in your 40s, 50s and beyond.

A dating guide for single women 40+, How to Date Like a Grown-up reveals the secrets of successful dating over 40:

5 Reasons why you?re fabulous but dateless.

How to break it to your kids you have a better sex life than they do

Why it?s never been easier to find a husband if that?s what you really want.


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Stop Getting Dumped!
All you need to know to make men fall madly in love with you and marry ?The One? in 3 years or less.

Stop Getting DumpedWant to be the one your guy just can't live without? Dating expert Lisa Daily teaches you the secrets of the Dreamgirls - women whose husbands and boyfriends treat them like gold -- (remote control covered gold.)

Learn how to spot the bad boys and jerks BEFORE they break your heart. The five common mistakes women make to push men away. How to make a man think about you all the time. And the big one, the real reasons men fall in love and propose, and how to make them work for you.

Quite simply, the most effective and hilarious dating book you'll ever read.


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Stop Getting Dumped UK, Kindle EditionStop Getting Dumped. All you need to know to make men fall madly in love with you and marry "The One" in 3 years or less. Guaranteed.




Southern Fried Farce:
A Buffet of Downhome Humor from the Best of Southern Writers (Hardcover).

Southern Fried FarceThe American South?s grand ole tradition of hilarious observations, stories, and characters, the contemporary writers is presented in this anthology showing just how funny life can be South of the Mason-Dixon Line. Essays from Lisa Daily, Celia Rivenbark, George Singleton, John T. Edge, Lisa Earle McLeod, David Magee, Susan Reinhardt and many others will have readers laughing out loud?even if they're Yankees!



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Lisa Daily

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link to iTunes mix tape
This was my playlist
while writing
Fifteen Minutes of Shame.

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