
Lisa Daily - Home Press Kits, Media Clips, Photos & More Books by Lisa Daily Meet Lisa Daily Stop Getting Dumped - Blog A personal peek at her desk Book Clubs Frequently Asked Questions
Dating Coach Lisa Daily is America's Leading Dating Expert. Relationships, Love and Dating Tips & Advice
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Media Requests:



Media Clips:
Lisa Daily on iVillage Live, the HITCH DVD, and of course, selected clips from Lisa?s weekly gig on Daytime. -- view

Segment & Story Ideas:
Pitches for TV, print and radio including: How To Use Car Sales Tactics to Get Your Guy to Propose; Celebrity Breakups -- Why We Can?t Put Down the Remote; If Your Friend?s Husband Is Cheating Should You Tell?;  and  Lo-Jack Your Husband (and 5 other secrets to keep your guy from prowling.) -- view

Press Kit:
View or download a PDF of Lisa?s full press kit here. Includes bio, segment ideas and synopsis of Fifteen Minutes of Shame  -- view

Publicity photos and book cover art for print or broadcast -- view

Lisa Daily?s Bio  -- view

General Press Release -- view

Download Web Banners -- here

Need something else? 


Lisa?s the author of Stop Getting Dumped! and Fifteen Minutes of Shame.  She?s a syndicated relationships columnist, popular media guest, and dating expert for DAYTIME a syndicated morning television show.  She?s been interviewed and quoted everywhere from iVillage Live, MTV and ET to Cosmopolitan, the Washington Post to the New York Times.

Lisa has spent most of her career cranking away at the computer at 2 am with a looming deadline and is completely sympathetic. She?s available 24-7 to time-crunched members of the press for TIGHT DEADLINE RESPONSE.

Feel free to call Lisa?s office at :

Lisa Daily
Fifteen Minutes of Shame - a novel by Lisa Daily
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